EV Charger on the street

AC EV Charger store: Aviva pumps £110m into Connected Kerb


EV Charger infrastructure company in UK Connected Kerb has secured an investment of up to £110m from insurance company Aviva to support its plans to install a total of 190,000 public access AC  EV chargers across the UK by 2030. Thats the reason why we can find that the ev charger has became more and more important. 

EV Charger investment in Aviva

Converted, Aviva’s investment amounts to 124 million euros. Connected Kerb will also provide charging infrastructure at the insurer’s European properties as part of the agreement. By the end of this year alone, the London-based company plans to install 4,000 street chargers. Connected Kerb is also planning to expand into the US, having recently been selected for a pilot in New York City.

The company has specialized in regular chargers with 7 to 22 kW like EVC 27 in Joint (click to know more) for long-term parkers. At the beginning of 2019, Connected Kerb became visible with the first chargers in London, which can be mounted on the curb, on traffic sign poles, or roadside delimitation bollards. “The certainty that you can arrive at virtually any place, at any time, with any vehicle and charge your battery without inconvenience and hassle is the reality we must create to create an EV society,” the CEO brought Chris Pateman-Jones got to the point last year.

EVC 27 7/11/22 kw

(Source: jointcharging.com)

The government's determination for EV Charging

The government plans to have more than 300,000 charging stations across the UK by 2030. Connected Kerb wants to realize a large part of this with the targeted 190,000 charging points. Aviva’s investment of up to £110 million is intended to give the London-based company the financial flexibility it needs. “As a comparison, the investment of up to £110m is about a quarter of all the UK Government’s LEVI (Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure) fund, which is helping local authorities to fund electric vehicle charging projects around the world road should be supported,” the company envisions in a statement.


How and when exactly the funds will be used and why there is talk of “up to” 110 million pounds, the Londoners do not specify. Chris Pateman-Jones keeps it general: “This investment combines the proven, long-term reliability of Connected Kerb infrastructure with the financial resources and expertise of Aviva Investors to deploy charging stations at scale across all corners of the UK (…). The growth plans also boosted green jobs in the UK, where all Connected Kerb’s chargers are manufactured.

AC EV Charger store: Aviva pumps £110m into Connected Kerb

(Source: jointcharging.com)

The EV Charger infrastructure sector is at the heart of the transition to a low-carbon future.

For Sean McLachlan, Senior Director, Infrastructure, at Aviva Investors, the charging infrastructure sector is at the heart of the transition to a low-carbon future. “We are delighted to support Connected Kerb’s ambitious roll-out of EV charging infrastructure across the UK. The funding we are providing will help accelerate the deployment of charging stations for homes and businesses, while improving accessibility.”

Connected Kerb has four products ranging from 7 to 22 kW. These include The Gecko charger, which attaches to existing parking posts or bollards and connects to an underground unit that monitors and controls the flow of power and data. In its current announcement, the company does not update the information on how many charging points Connected Kerb has already installed. In November 2021, the charging infrastructure specialist said it wanted 5,500 charging stations operational across the UK by the end of 2022. Since around 1,000 installed units were mentioned then, and there is now talk of 4,000 announced devices in 2022, that is probably about right.

With its approach, Connected Kerb is pursuing a concept similar to that of the German Shell subsidiary Ubritricity, known to have been active with its roadside chargers primarily in Great Britain. In September 2021, Shell announced that it intends to install more than 50,000 Ubitricity charging stations on the island by 2025. 


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