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EVL006 Home Charger

Importance of RCD in EV chargers

RCD (residual current device) is a safety production device used to check and prevent electrical leakage in EV chargers. Electrical be cut down to prevent accidents when RCD detects electricity abnormality.

Joint EVD003 DC Charger supports DIN 70121 and Plug&Charge

What is DIN 70121 for EV Chargers?

DIN 70121 is an early CCS DC fast charging communication protocol that provides basic vehicle-charger communication but it has no advanced authentication and security cryptography.

EVM002 - Commercial EV Charger with OTA Update

The Importance of OTA upgrades for EV chargers

OTA(Over-The-Air), means it can remotely upgrade software by the wireless network. It has become an important menthol to improving EV charger performance and user’s experience.

What is an ENERGY STAR certified EV charger?

What is an ENERGY STAR Certified EV Charger?

ENERGY STAR certified EV charger has lower energy consumption and a higher energy-efficient use rate. These chargers adopt advanced technology and design, ensuring a highly electric transform efficiency rate.

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